Ten Winter Coats Under Three Hundred


I've taken two and a half hours. Yes! Two and a half! To search for ten perfect winter coats. In those two and a half hours, I ate crab rangoon, dripped cream cheese onto my keyboard and checked my flight times six more times. I have done you a great service and I really want you to let it sink in and enjoy it.

It's freakin chilly these days (unless youre in Mexico City) Let's not put too much emphasis on trends because as you know I like to feel liberated from the idea of monomania. Fads make me itchier than wool on fresh shaven skin. These coats are just gorgeous, from all sectors and stores but most importantly, they're under three hundred dollars.

Personally, I would buy all of these. And that's what I wanted to do to you; give you choices but prompt your inner shopaholic to possibly purchase more than one because how could you not? Each is so different but so very good, right? I know. Which one (or two) would you choose? And if youre in the market for a new winter coat, what kind are you searching for?

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